[Typo3] Menu itemstates ACT vs ACTIFSUB

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Wed Feb 2 07:21:57 CET 2005

Dear Henk and all other readers,

sorry for the delay, I _had_ to be busy at other places.
Thanks for your efforts to answer this ...

>> Now, where ever I am in the tree of pages the current page is just
>> that: the CUR one. Up the tree back to the startpage (the rootline)
>> every parent/grandparent/... page _is_ ACT (in the rootline) _but_also_
>> has subpages, naturally, so _it_is_ ACTIFSUB too. Where, please,
>> are these two states ever usefull? What am I not seeing here?
> I have a really simple menu what need the ACTIFSUB
> my menu is split in 2 parts: 1 -> the top level, and 2 -> sub page (if one)
> So when I am click on the top level menu (1) i need to check if there 
> are sub pages or not. If so, i have to wrap things different.

Seems I have been unclear in my question:

Every parent page of the current page naturally at the same time
- is in the rootline
- has subpages (the current one or one of it's parents)
so one state (call it ACT or ACTIFSUB) fits it all!

The question reduces to the current page:
- naturally it is in the rootline (thus ACT)
- _but_ has it children or not? If one also wants to know about the
   CUR state (most interesting, isn't it?) the '...IFSUB' is normally
   just hidden behind the fact, that it is current, due to the missing
   CURIFSUB state, and the higher precedence of CUR over ACTIFSUB and

> I still need ACTIFSUB in my current menu. CURIFSUB is not enough for me. 
> If I am in the subpage (2) I still need ACTIFSUB, and not ACT (ACTIFSUB 
> is stronger) for the wrapping I still need, even on the sub page.

You are right, ACTIFSUB is stronger (has higher precedence) as ACT, but,
as of my conclusion, there isn't any difference between ACT and ACTIFSUB
anyway, so?

Could you give an example? Might be I'm a blockhead and your sample is
able to cut that plank considerably?

> I have implemented (for an other site) the CURIFSUB workaround. So it 
> would be nice to implement this on the core.


regards, Georg
  ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

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