[Typo3] Looking for some functionality : different userlevels, creation of FE-users, different properties

W van Bruggen w.van.bruggen at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 12:06:51 CEST 2005

Hello list,

I've been looking through the extension list for some functionality
i'd like to have, but i'm not really sure if what i have found is what
i need. Let me explain the situation in short :

In the situation, schools can become a member of a site on which they
can publish information. When a school signs on (lets say in this case
a teacher), it should then be able to create a given amount of
FE-users for its own group that have less rights than the person that
has created the group. For example : these created FE-users should
then be able to make some sort of profile for themselves and
submitting articles, but only the group owner (teacher) is able to
administer the users.

This process should be the same for each school that signs on, and
each school should automatically have an indivual place to store their
published information.

I found "tkrsignup" - http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/search/tkrsignup/
but i'm not sure if this is what i need. Anyone have any ideas on this?


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