[Typo3] New guy here - News site suggestions?

Mauro Del Medico mauro.delmedico at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 16:43:04 CEST 2005

Hi everybody.

I am a new typo3 user, I actually just started to study it.
I read the Quickstart guide and Modern Template Building Part 1 and
gave a fast look at MTB Part 2/3 and Futuristic Template Building.
I can write HTML and I am a good PHP & SQL developer.
That was my presentation :)

Now, the reason why I approached typo3 is to understand if it could
help me to develop faster and better my idea compared to pure coding.

The basic concept behind this idea is a news site, with news divided
into categories.
in the main page I would like to list the last n news articles
submitted in a format like:
"date and time - category name and icon - poster - first x characters
of the article - button to read the whole article"
If I press the button to read the whole news article, in the page I
get the article, the user comments and a form for registered users to

On some part in my site I will have links to:
- category 1
- category 2 (etc...)
Clicking on any category I will enter the categoryabc.siteurl.com with
different template and with the same content that the main page but
the news filtered on the choosed category.

Of course this is just the basic idea, there is really more, and this
is why I choosed typo3. I wanted to be sure to use a tool capable of
letting me develop the more complex and less standard part later.
But for now I would be more than happy to do the easy (let's call it
so) stuff :)

So, the reason why I wrote this mail (yes, there is one) is to ask you
for suggestions about modules and tools I should give a look at.
For example, when submitting articles, I would like to just choose the
category and then the related category icon would automatically appear
on the page. Would TV help me on this?

Should I use any news modules for this kind of task? If so, wich one?
I don't know if using a news module would force me to use a specific
template format, if so I wouldn't like it.

Any modules I should look at for the news threaded commenting?

Any other suggestions?

Thank you very much for your attention.

Mauro Del Medico

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