[Typo3] FORM content

Pierre Rouwens prouwens at infoglobe.ca
Thu Aug 4 16:04:07 CEST 2005

Hi listers,

I'm in trouble with a simple FORM content element, no mails are 
send...dunno why and i ve tried many things... i have verify on my mail 
server there's nothing so it come from typo3 but can't figure out where 
i'm wrong...
this is the code :
#Configuration de simple calendar
plugin.tx_desimplecalendar_pi1.contact.20.value = Demande d'information
plugin.tx_desimplecalendar_pi1.subscription.20.value = Inscription
plugin.tx_desimplecalendar_pi1.form.Contact = COA
plugin.tx_desimplecalendar_pi1.form.Contact {
	10 = TEXT
	10.value = Demande d'information
	10.wrap  = <h1>|</h1>
	15 = TEXT
	15.value = Je souhaiterais avoir plus d'information sur cet évenement
	15.wrap = <p>|</p>
	20 < tt_content.mailform.20
	20.layout = <tr><td align="left" width="125">###LABEL###</td><td><img 
src="clear.gif" width="{$styles.content.mailform.border}" alt="" 
	20.dataArray {
	 10.label = Nom :
	 10.type = *name = input,40
	 20.label = Email:
	 20.type = *email=input,40
	 30.label = Message:
	 30.type = message=textarea,40,5
	 35.label = Contactez-moi:
	 35.type = contact_me=check
	 35.value = 1
	 40.type = html_enabled=hidden
	 40.value = 1
	 50.type = subject=hidden
	 50.value.dataWrap = Request for information about the "{field:title}" 
event. (Event N°{field:uid})|
                  60.type = formtype_mail = Submit
	 60.value = Soumettre
	20.REQ.labelWrap.wrap = <span class="mailformrequired">*|</span>
	20.redirect =
	20.recipient = prouwens at infoglobe.ca
                 20.target = _self
	25 = TEXT
	25.value = * Ce champs est obligatoire
	25.wrap = <span class="mailformrequired">|</span>
	30 = TEXT
	30.value = Nous apprécions votre interêt pour nos activités, Si vous le 
demandez nous vous recontacterons sous deux jours ouvrables. Si vous 
avez besoin d'information plus rapidement n'hésitez pas à nous contacter 
directement au : <b>1 (418) 681-2929</b>
	30.wrap = <p>|</p>

Please any ideas, hints, clues ???


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