[Typo3] problem with installing static info tables

Joe Jett joejett at charter.net
Fri Apr 22 22:28:37 CEST 2005

I submitted this last nite but perhaps everyone was sleeping already and 
missed it? I think I have all pertinent info other than it is latest 
version of typo.

I am trying to install the ext static_info_templates and recieve the 
following error.
SQL engine parse ERROR: Field type unknown!: near "bigint(20) unsigned 
I did find the entry it is talking about and it looks like sorting 
bigint is the field type and it doesn't recognize it. Here is that 
section of the tx3 file.
# Table structure for table "tx_staticinfotables_hotlist"
CREATE TABLE tx_staticinfotables_hotlist (
   uid_local int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   tablenames varchar(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
   application varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
   sorting bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   KEY uid_local (uid_local),

This is on a redhat linux server and I am simply modifying the 
quickstart install for my purposes.

I really like how easy this will be once I get it up and running but I 
have struggled mightily for 2 weeks now just to get to  this point. BTW 
I'm trying to install chc forums but it needed something installed 
before I installed it, which in turn required this extension, 

Appreciate any help

Joe Jett

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