[Typo3] strange behavior

Peter Niederlag niederlag at ikd01.de
Sun Apr 10 12:48:43 CEST 2005


Daniel Rodriguez schrieb:
> my home page is a very, very simple one but when T3 renders main content layout comes up part of an html tag: "<A". It appears twice.
> Html template has been reduced to its minimum expression and css tyles too, but still can't find what's wrong. Did any of you see something like that?

sorry, I don't quite understand your problem.

Most likely you did something wrong in the way how U use the markers in 
your HTML-template and the way you fill them with TS.


P.S.: If you expect further help, more details are needed.
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *
http://www.typo3partner.net * professional services network *

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