[Typo3] official TYPO3 book in english

Francesco di Francia darksky77 at email.it
Sun Apr 3 10:41:09 CEST 2005

> Usually people in the German speaking part of the world are constantly
> asking for German book versions. They get the same answer as Stefano
> just got. 

Well, let me say that the case is very different. Stefano is italian, he 
didn't asked an italian translation. I'm italian too, i know my self 
that italian is not THE universal language, you know.
Also, he did not asked an italian translation from english, that is the 
universal language ( it's not the place to discuss why and How it's 
happened eh eh ).
He asked information about a translation INTO a universal language, english.
Also, i suppose it will be a editor/publisher decision. It will evaluate 
  economic profit from an english version of the book.


Net Wargaming Italia

info at netwargamingitalia.net
darksky at netwargamingitalia.net

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