[TYPO3-dev] 6.2: Issue with backend module templates after converting sys_template to InnoDB

g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch
Sun May 3 16:10:23 CEST 2015


On 05/03/2015 03:33 PM, Jigal van Hemert wrote:
> Hi,
> On 02/05/2015 09:56, g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch wrote:
>>> There shouldn't be a problem. TYPO3 uses sorting per page/folder and
>>> should return the templates in the right order anyway.
>> There shouldn't. But apparently there is an issue with my table, which
>> only appears when data is retourned ordered by Uid. This is not an
>> question of DB engine tpye, but an issue of changing the sequence of
>> data when returned from DB.
>> I can simply proof this when I modify the MyISAM table like this:
>>    ALTER TABLE `sys_template` ORDER BY `uid` ;
>>  From this moment backend templates won't work any more.
>> There must be some issue in T3 core. I find no other way to explain this
>> issue.
> I tried this, switching to MyISAM, changing order, switching back to
> InnoDB and nothing was broken. Everywhere in the core where I found a
> use of sys_template it was either fetching templates by uid or with an
> order by sorting.
> There isn't some issue with templates marked as root or some other
> obscure difference somehow?
Thanks a lot for checking...

One of the strange things is that everything else works fine. I.e. there
is absolutely no issue in the frontend. It's only the backend module TS
setup which seems gone or wrong...

BTW: How does sys_template affect BE modules?

Here is my registering code in ext_tables.php:

if (TYPO3_MODE === 'BE') {
    * Registers a Backend Module
        'user',     // Make module a submodule of 'user'
        'myext_be',    // Submodule key
        '',                        // Position
            'Klinik' => 'list,   [...]
            'access' => 'user,group',
            'icon'   => 'EXT:' . $_EXTKEY . '/ext_icon.gif',
            'labels' =>  [...]



Even if there were something fishy with root templates: How could this
change through sys_template records sequence as long as the sorting
field is respected?
You think there are two templates marked as root in one folder, i.e.
same sorting scope? I will check this.


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