[TYPO3-dev] typo3 6.2.16, security fix - Escape caption

Alex Tuveri at at uniud.it
Sun Dec 20 18:06:49 CET 2015

Hi all
reading the document:

Change reports:
2015-12-15  420f5ed  #41690          [SECURITY] Escape caption of media using css_styled_content (Georg Ringer)

on my experience this caused to some (my) sites some problem displaying the HTML used within caption.

This is not good, two sites result broken -  howevere I restored the previous behaviour overriding:

tt_content.image.20.caption.1.1.htmlSpecialChars = 1


tt_content.image.20.caption.1.1.htmlSpecialChars = 0

may be this is not good. I hope someone can consider to add some TS to allow a list of HTML tags such as:
h1,h2,h3, p,strong and others useful to use caption in conjunction with styles to obtain special effects.

Thank you for your work!

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