[TYPO3-dev] Fatal Error: This module "" is not enabled in TBE_MODULES

Helmut Hummel helmut.hummel at typo3.org
Fri Oct 31 11:55:20 CET 2014

On 31.10.14 11:38, Alex Tuveri wrote:

> $theOutput.= $GLOBALS["SOBE"]->doc->section('',fw($msg));
> obviously it seems that the function fw doesn't exist more or it is  not suppported.

Indeed the global fw (font wrap) function (deprecated in TYPO3 3.6) was 
removed in TYPO3 4.6

Just remove it from your code as well, it hasn't done anything at all 
anyway for ages.

Kind regards,

Helmut Hummel
Release Manager TYPO3 6.0
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor, TYPO3 Security Team Member

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