[TYPO3-dev] Export of extension not possible (?)

Alexander Födisch foedisch at eva.mpg.de
Thu Oct 2 12:08:51 CEST 2014


Am 02.10.2014 um 12:01 schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
> Hi,
> On 2-10-2014 7:56, Alexander Födisch wrote:
>> when I want to download an extension developed by myself (save as t3x),
>> I got the error message:
>> "#1270853981: TYPO3 Fatal Error: An unexpected error has occurred. There
>> are problems with your extension key or with the extension data."
>> What's wrong there? What is checked by Typo3 backup routine? Any ideas?
>> I also created on another Typo3 system an extension with same name and
>> copy all my files to this extensions directory -> same error. So
>> something is wrong with my extension (which is working). But what??
> This error can occur in a number of cases.
> Most likely situation is that the total size of files in the extension is more than 32MB (31457280 bytes).
That was the reason. Thank you very much!

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