[TYPO3-dev] Wrong backend view in IE9

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Wed May 21 14:09:21 CEST 2014

Am 21.05.2014 13:54, schrieb Mark Howells-Mead:
> The backend for 6.2 isn't IE8-compatible as far as I know. If anyone can contradict this, a reference link to client system requirements would be handy. Google isn't forthcoming.

The former LTS version (4.5) supported Windows XP (and therefor IE6) 
until end of lifetime.
So does the current LTS version with Windows 7.
Since Windows 7 originally shipped with IE8, which is the default used 
by many enterprise clients, 6.2 LTS should support IE8 as well.

There have been fixes for IE8 related bugs already, so IMHO there is 
officiall support for it.



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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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