[TYPO3-dev] FAL- Add an image to a TYPO3 record (tx_news) from 3. party script

Brian Bendtsen bb at bellevuevej.dk
Sat May 3 21:27:59 CEST 2014


I'm developing a third party php app for adding news records to a TYPO3 
site. The news extension is tx_news.

I have a problem with the news images. They don't show on the website 
unless you edit the news record from the TYPO3 backend. When I edit the 
news record, I see the image relation, so I just edit and save, without 
making any changes.

I guess its related to FAL and some kind of index problem.

What I do is upload the images to uploads/tx_news/ and insert a record 
into tx_news_domain_model_media but obviously I need something more.

I have tried to track changes to the database when you edit a news 
record, but without luck.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Best regards
Brian Bendtsen

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