[TYPO3-dev] Exception, "hidden" and sorting_foreign field of sys_file_reference not honored for pages.media?

Christian Reiter cr at cNOSPAMxd.de
Thu Feb 20 14:39:19 CET 2014

Hi Frans,

I checked out the master from git and updated my test project with it.
The exception appears in 6.2 as well.
The relevant code has been adapted to fix the "sorting ignored" issue.
But the issue with disabled/hidden persists.

I've reported it as http://forge.typo3.org/issues/56150 and assigned it 
to you because I see one problem before writing a fix:

The comment in TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\PageRepository::getRootLine says:

    NOTICE: This function only takes deleted pages into account!
    So hidden, starttime and endtime restricted pages are included
    no matter what.

So this seems to be necessary/desired behaviour?

I.e. we can't exclude hidden from the rootline without breaking things...?

I'm assuming these functions are only used in the frontend, would it be 
possible to do the check at least for sys_file_reference...

... or change the way that the situation is handled in 
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceFactory::getFileReferenceObject  so that 
when it gets a hidden reference it fails more gracefully and allows the 
page to be rendered?



Am 19.02.2014 22:05, schrieb Frans Saris:
> Hi Christian,
> I have not tested it yet but looks like you got a valid point here. Did you
> test this also in current master?
> Could you create a bug report on
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3cms-core/ and maybe push a patch to
> our review system?
> gr. Frans
> 2014-02-19 0:33 GMT+01:00 Christian Reiter <cr at cnospamxd.de>:

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