[TYPO3-dev] File reference using Extbase/Fluid/FAL and backwards compatibility

Dennis Luemkemann dennis.luemkemann at gmx.de
Sun Nov 10 23:46:51 CET 2013

Dear all,

I started writing an extension using Extbase/Fluid on my 6.2 test installation. I'm using a reference to an image in my model. After initially building my ext with extension_builder (with type "Image*" instead of "File reference*" for the image property), I then manually changed the code following the instructions in the Typo3 Wiki (http://wiki.typo3.org/File_Abstraction_Layer#Usage_in_Extbase_.28in_progress.29) to get image relation in FAL working.

Result: In the backend I can associate an image, the sys_file_reference table gets updated properly, BUT in my tx…domain_model_myclass table, the value for the image is always 1 and when I render the image in the fluid template, I get image uid 1 shown, not my image, which is referenced in the sys_file_reference table. I'm wondering: Did I miss something or has something changed in 6.2 since the Wiki page was written?

Also, there seem to be two different ways now for referencing and rendering images in the legacy file management system and FAL. Can I write one extension that will work on 4.5 LTS and 6.2 LTS or do I have to write two separate exts?


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