[TYPO3-dev] Status of "devlog" extension

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Wed May 29 08:25:45 CEST 2013

Hi Georg,

> I would be interested in this. The devlog extension is something I use
> on almost every project, but it needs some love. To output more useable
> debug data instead of a huge array that can't handle objects is
> something I really miss. A function similar to the Debug helper of flow
> and extbase would be nice. Also automatically log additional infos like
> memory useage or PHP runtime would be nice, not to mention the new
> logging API. My mind is already flooded with ideas, I will try to create
> a draft in the next couple days.
> The question is: how much backwards - compatibility should be given. If
> the 2.x branch is going to be maintained for some time, we could use all
> the latest features.

Great that you're interested!

As Philipp said, backwards compatibility is not important in this case. 
Data may even be lost, it's just debug data. I would target the 
extension at TYPO3 6.x only, maybe even only 6.2+, now that the 2.9 
branch can work adequately until 6.1. So we could use all the new and 
shiny stuff and make something really clean.

What would be interesting to explore IMO is whether we can use the 
Logger API. Indeed it goes much the same way of what we were planning 
for devlog 3.0, with a system of writers, that would write the log 
entries in various supports (DB, file, syslog, etc.), each with its own 
conditions and limits. This is really what the Logger API does.

So being able to reuse the Logger would be great. I guess a few things 
need to be investigated first, in particular the ability to have 
different settings than the ones for normal usage 
($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['LOG']). Maybe Steffen Müller can cast some light on that.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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