[TYPO3-dev] Re: Extbase: Create multiple objects within one formular

Björn b.rieger90 at gmx.de
Wed May 22 00:39:53 CEST 2013

Thank you for your answer :)

For every time the Survey is answered, a new "Session" object should be created.
This object is bound to the form.
Each Session has an ObjectStorage of the class "Answer" called "answers".
And the class answer has the variable "value".

How would that look like?
<f:form.textfield property="answers.value" /> ?

How do I create a new "Answer" for each FormField, bind this Field to the value-property, and attach this Answer to the ObjectStorage "Answers" of my Session?

I hope you know what I mean and you can help me with that!

Greets Björn

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