[TYPO3-dev] order of pageTSconfig added with addPageTSConfig from own ext

Sacha Vorbeck vorbeck at TYPO3Tutor.de
Tue Mar 19 15:48:41 CET 2013


I use the following code in the ext_localconf.php of an extension to add 
pageTSconfig (RTE config) to my page tree:

$_EXTCONF = unserialize($_EXTCONF);
if ($_EXTCONF['setPageTSconfig'])	{
	\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPageTSConfig('<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:masterconfig/settings/page/pagetsconfig.txt">');

there are some problems with this option:

if your ext. is a required extension:

which according to Jigal is still supported in 6.x, your pageTSconfig 
will be added before other extensions which makes it impossible to 
overwrite for example the default RTE-config.

almost the same: the order of the included pageTSconfig from extensions 
seems to be dependent on the order the extensions have been installed 
which is reflected by their position in the extListArray.

I tried to change this with the priority and loadOrder settings but 
didn`t succeed.

Is there any other way to make sure that a certain pageTSconfig will 
have the highest priority when it is added from your extension code?

If not, this should be made possible.

thank you - all the best,

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