[TYPO3-dev] constribute patch

Uwe Trotzek Trotzek at citeq.de
Wed Mar 13 10:24:12 CET 2013

Hi folks, 

I'm trying to constribute a patch via gerrit, but something is still wrong in my configuration. I triple-checked my ssh-publickey configuration and took a look at http://wiki.typo3.org/TroubleShooting_(Git)
But something is still missing.

I did the following steps:

- I opened an issue http://forge.typo3.org/issues/46203 
- I followed these steps http://wiki.typo3.org/Contribution_Walkthrough_with_CommandLine  (Starting a new Change Request (RFC) for a submodule)

I commited the changes to my local branch "issue_46203" and now I want to push it to gerrit with:

 git push origin HEAD:refs/for/extbase_1-3/46203 -v

but I get the following error: 
$ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/extbase_1-3/46203 -v
Pushing to ssh://<username>@review.typo3.org:29418/TYPO3v4/CoreProjects/MVC/extbase.git
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

What can I do to debug the error? This works correctly...

$ ssh review.typo3.org

  ****    Welcome to Gerrit Code Review    ****

  Hi uwe trotzek, you have successfully connected over SSH.

  Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled.
  To clone a hosted Git repository, use:

  git clone ssh://trotzek@review.typo3.org:29418/REPOSITORY_NAME.git 

Connection to review.typo3.org closed.

I hope someone can help.


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