[TYPO3-dev] New content element with EXTBASE - pluginSignature

Marc Bastian Heinrichs typo3 at mbh-web.de
Wed Jul 17 12:37:31 CEST 2013


typo3.projects.typo3v4mvc might be the better place for
extbase related questions.

> However, the repository in the controller that handles the actions of that
> plugin is looking for records in tt_content with CType =
> Tx_ExtensionName_PluginName
> This, of course, won't find anything.
> Question: How do I tell the Controller/Repository to use the correct
> CType-key
> (extensionname_pluginname) instead of the default
> Tx_ExtensionName_PluginName?

The repository in the controller is looking for records in tt_content?
Could you show me the code where this should be happen?

You mean you implemented a model for tt_content records and a
corresponding repository?

If you want to have the data of the tt_content record, fetch the
$contentObject from the configurationManager. In array
$contentObject->data you find the record data.

Marc Bastian

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