[TYPO3-dev] Fluid - or WATE

Bernhard Kraft kraft at web-consulting.at
Wed Jan 9 10:23:55 CET 2013


If you wonder what WATE means: Why another templating engine.

I would like to know what the reasons have been that for v6 and NEOS the 
decision has been made to create a complete new templating engine: 
Fluid. Just another thing one has to learn.

I always wondered why they didn't use "smarty". Or recently I did a lot 
with XSLT and noticed it is quite not that difficult as it sometimes is 
said. In fact it is quite simple if one knows about XPath.

So a better solution than having a complete new templating engine could 
have been to use XSLT files as templates and let the content get 
generated as XML. Then a simple call to some XSLT processor could make 
the step: XML --> XSLT --> XML/HTML/Text.


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