[TYPO3-dev] Extbase disrespect hidden and deleted status

Dirk Wenzel wenzel at webfox03.de
Sun Dec 22 18:55:44 CET 2013

today I asked quite the same question on the typo3v4mvc mailing list.

@Philipp: I think the main goal of the eID script is to avoid loading 
the frontend.

I guess the 'enable fields settings' are not being respected when not in 
frontend context. There should be a way to detect this and adjust the 
query. I just couldn't figure out how.

Cheers Dirk

Am 20.12.13 11:07, schrieb Philipp:
> if you use an eID script a whole bunch of config will be missing, maybe
> extbase does not know what field flags your record as deleted.
> You will need to bootstrap a full frontend i think.

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