[TYPO3-dev] Re: Give +1 for the Extension Feedback Process

Elmar Hinz t3elmar at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 29 13:31:14 CEST 2013

Hello Adrien,

> Very similar concept to what exists for Wordpress plugins. It may be
> interesting to see what's good/bad in their system. Also since jQuery
> recently re-build from scratch their plugins system, do they have something
> similar ?

A am not a Wordpress user. If you have more input upon this it's welcome.

> Instead of IP as identifier, I would use login. That's more restrictive
> from the end-user point of view, but it's way more "safe", than IP.

We once had a feedback system with login in the TER FE. It wasn't a success.
That's why I changed three parameters:

1.) Ask the people for feedback just in the place where they discover issues.
2.) Make feedback most simple.
3.) Keep it anonymous.

Right, in theory you could build a bot, that switches IPs only to manipulate the results.

But, is that a real world scenario? For me it is not until it happens. 
Only a member of the community would have the knowlegde and 
motivation to do that. That would really b a destructive behaviour.

I would trade a higher significane by higher amount for the risk of manipulation.

In the moment it gets manipulated a login becomes necessary. 

Have a nice day


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