[TYPO3-dev] OpenSuSE packages for Typo3

Thomas Worm thomas.worm at thomas-worm.de
Tue Sep 11 08:19:41 CEST 2012

Hello everyone,

I currently built Typo3 as RPM modules for OpenSuSE, so it will be
delivered with this distribution.

The links to the projects in OpenSuSE Build Service are:
- Typo3 Instance Management Utility:
- Typo3 version 4.5:
- Typo3 version 4.6:
- Typo3 version 4.7:

Please feel free to contribute to this packages, so that there will be easy
to install packages for OpenSuSE.
Especially the Instance Management Utility needs some further work (It
currently installs a typo3 instance and notes it into an instance database;
but it is lack of functionality for changing versions, update instances and
delete instances).


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thomas Worm


Thomas Worm
Handel & Dienstleistung
Postfach 2207
D-90009 Nürnberg

Hintere Cramergasse 3
D-90478 Nürnberg


Telefon: +49 1803 030505000*
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* 9 Ct./Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz,
  max 42 Ct./Min aus dem dt. Mobilfunknetz,
  andere Netze abweichend

Allgemeiner Kontakt:
info at thomas-worm.de

buchhaltung at thomas-worm.de


Geschäftsführer: Thomas Worm
thomas.worm at thomas-worm.de

Inhaber: Thomas Worm H. u. D.
Kontonummer: 38 56 38
Bankleitzahl: 760 606 18
Kreditinstitut: Volksbank-Raiffeisenbank Nürnberg eG

Steuernummer: 240-290-21429
USt-ID: DE250745940
ISBN-Verlagsnummer: 3-86749


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