[TYPO3-dev] 6.0 Breaking change Toolbaritems

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Nov 29 11:12:01 CET 2012

Hi Thomas,

Thomas Maroschik schrieb am 28.11.2012 10:00:

> could you please tell me what the following code outputs?
> There is a switch in TYPO3\CMS\Core\Bootstrap::registerAutoloader that
> recognizes versions below 5.3.7 and tries to rewrite them accordingly.

This works fine for most situations, but in this particular case the
auto-loader is *not* being used because in backend.php the hook
interface is being "include_once" directly:

// Include extensions which may add css, javascript or toolbar items
as $additionalBackendItem) {
		include_once $additionalBackendItem;

In this case $additionalBackendItem is the filename to load, but
unfortunately this file has not only the interface defined, but also the
call to $GLOBALS['TYPO3backend']->addToolbarItem which is what registers
the functionality of the Toolbar.

For example in Workspaces this is the file with the interface
WorkspaceSelectorToolbarItem. At the end, there is this call:


In an ideal world the "additionalBackendItems" should only contain the
call to "addToolbarItem" and not the interface itself (which should be
auto-loaded). The "include_once" in backend.php is thus needed and
cannot be removed.

extdeveval is somehow strange:

In ext_localconf.php it has:

	$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['typo3/backend.php']['additionalBackendItems'][] = t3lib_extMgm::extPath('extdeveval').'class.tx_extdeveval_additionalBackendItems.php';

In ext_tables.php:

	$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['typo3/backend.php']['additionalBackendItems'][] = t3lib_extMgm::extPath('extdeveval') . 'registerToolbarItem.php';

Thus, it registers itself twice. A solution - in this case - is to
modify extdeveval:

1) Remove the direct registration of the class (in ext_localconf.php).

2) Remove the include_once done in registerToolbarItem.php, and keep
only the call to addToolbarItem()

I will post a fix proposal to the extdeveval issue tracker.

Anyhow, this is "only" a problem with PHP<5.2.7 and *not* backwards
compatible. But to solve it, it requires (a tiny) change in extensions.
But at least the modified extension will still work on any TYPO3 which
includes auto-loading functionality.


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