[TYPO3-dev] OpenSuSE packages for Typo3

Thomas Worm thomas.worm at thomas-worm.de
Tue Nov 27 16:53:25 CET 2012

Hello everyone,

sorry for the long time i need to reply. My spam filter put the mailing
list to spam bucket and I just recognized it.

On Sep 11, 2012; 11:46am Michael wrote:

> Great initiative! Could you correct the
> spelling of "TYPO3"?

I'll correct this the next days. Packages are currently frozen because they
are reviewed to come in factory of the next OpenSuSE release.

On Sep 11, 2012; 7:55pm Philipp wrote:

> Requires:       typo3-manager
> IMHO Recommends
> Requires:       apache2
> really? should be Recommends

The package requires a web server to be installed. I didn't find any
virtual package for web servers in OpenSuSE, so I choosed apache2, because
it is tested to work with apache2.

On Sep 11, 2012; 7:55pm Philipp wrote:

> Requires:       php5-mbstring
> Requires:       php5-iconv
> really needed if mbstring is present? Works fine for
> me without it

I choosed mbstring as a requirement because the TYPO3 manager I wrote
installs the instances with utf8 activated. I've tested it with mbstring
and it works good, so I give the SuSE users this configuration.

On Sep 11, 2012; 7:55pm Philipp wrote:

> Provides:       typo3-src
> I am unsure about this ... how does this provides work? Is it
> exclusive or can multiple packages provide the same file/folder
> and be installed at the same time?

This "Provides" makes a virtual package named typo3-src. I did this for all
version branches because my TYPO3 manager needs at least one source package
installed. There'll be three TYPO3 source packages for OpenSuSE (versions
4.5, 4.6, 4.7) So if the user chooses to install typo3-manager package (has
"Requires typo3-src") he'll get a dialog which asks him which source
package should be installed. More source packages can be installed the same
time without getting a conflict.

On Sep 11, 2012; 7:55pm Philipp wrote:

> What about php5-soap? Required for EM!
> openssl is recommended for saltedpasswords (?)
> php5-mcrypt (saltedpasswords?)

I read http://typo3.org/about/typo3-the-cms/system-requirements/ to get
information about the required modules. So i didn't know that these modules
are needed. I'll check this.

On Sep 11, 2012; 7:55pm Philipp wrote:

> php5-process and phpunit to run unit tests
> How about creating another (meta) package "typo3-dev"
> that requires xdebug, phpunit and php-process,
> git, etc for developing?

Packages in OpenSuSE are software products not an installation plan for a
set of software products. Devel packages usually contain source code/header
files. The source code is installed with the normal package so an extra
devel package is not needed.
I currently don't know if it is possible to get such an installation plan
for the development environment to OpenSuSE.

On Sep 13, 2012; 3:46pm Ben wrote:

> Would the TYPO3 Instance Management Utility be something
> like the Introduction Package:
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/extension-introduction?

The idea behind the Instance Management Utility is to give the OpenSuSE
users the possibility to install many physical seperated instances of
Typo3. This is needed if different version branches (perhaps 4.5 and 4.7)
should be installed on the same linux system. It is also needed if you need
different settings in localconf.php.

On Sep 13, 2012; 3:46pm Ben wrote:

> You mention stuff that still needs to be done.
> Is that something you feel responsible for?

Yes, I'll try to do this all until the release candidate of the next
OpenSuSE release, especially I'll advance my Instance Management Utility.
But I don't know how far I'll get, because I'm currently working on my
bachelor thesis and time is scarce good.

On Sep 13, 2012; 3:46pm Ben wrote:

> Of course it would be cool if we have some other
> Open Suse user to support the package effort,
> but as far as I can see it usually comes down to
> an individual effort.

Currently I'm the only one, but I hope there will come others after it is
delievered on the DVDs. There are many companies using the SuSE Linux
Enteprise Server (SLES) with TYPO3. So i hope Novell will put this packages
to SLES. If this is done, there'll be propably some people helping me.

> If there is anything I can do then
> let me know.

Currently the source for the Instance Management Utility lies in the Open
Build Service. Perhaps it would be usefull to move it into a GIT
Repository/TYPO3 forge? I think this utility will be helpfull on other
linux distributions, too (but I don't know if it matches to their
filesystem hierarchy structure).

On Sep 18, 2012; 1:56pm Oliver wrote:

> Do these packages contain a blank TYPO3 site or
> is there some content already (like in the
> Introduction Package).

No, I didn't put already content into it. The source packages themselves
only install the typo3 source in /usr/share/typo3-cms-4_x_x. The
typo3-manager package installs my Instance Management Utility. The user
then can call typo3-manager and gets a command line interface which helps
him installing a TYPO3 instance. Therefore it asks what site name should be
set, which database should be used and in which directory TYPO3 should be
installed. Then it creates the directory. After that it will create the
specific directories (typo3temp, fileadmin, typo3conf, ...) and prepares
the localconf.php. It also links the source files. So a blank typo3
instance is installed without the Introduction package. Maybe it is useful
to add this to the instance installation, but I'll need some time for it,
because I didn't work with the introduction package before and don't know
which actions have to be done for that.

On Sep 18, 2012; 1:56pm Oliver wrote:

> How does creating those packages work? Is it
> a manual process or can it be triggered
> automatically (e.g. using Jenkins, Ant/Phing, ...)?

It is build within the OpenSuSE Build Service (https://build.opensuse.org/).
There it has a package repository with a spec file and a _service file. The
_service file contains the information about the GIT-Repository where to
download the Typo3 Version. For example for TYPO3 CMS v4.7.7:

  <service name="tar_scm" mode="localonly">
    <param name="scm">git</param>
    <param name="url">git://git.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Core.git</param>
    <param name="filename">typo3</param>
    <param name="version">4.7.7</param>
    <param name="revision">TYPO3_4-7-7</param>
  <service name="recompress" mode="localonly">
    <param name="file">*.tar</param>
    <param name="compression">bz2</param>
  <service name="set_version" mode="localonly" />

On build the Open Build Service (OBS) will download TYPO3 from GIT and pack
it to an tar.bz2. After that it will set the version given in the first
service section to the spec file. The spec file tells the OBS to put the
files to /usr/share/typo3-cms-4_7_7 and packs them to an rpm.

Futhermore there lies a changes file in the repository. The OpenSuSE
guidelines request that all changes are put to this changes file.

The repository can be accessed through an command line util (see
http://linux.die.net/man/1/osc). So it would be possible to automate
changes to this repository.

After the package is ready for delievering it has to be submitted to
OpenSuSE's factory. This submit request will be reviewed by an open suse
review team. So there will be a manual party on SuSE's site before the
package is delievered. But as I said the steps before can become

On Sep 18, 2012; 1:56pm Oliver wrote:

> This question seems to be important if
> it comes to Security Releases of the
> TYPO3 Core - it would be great if the SuSE
> packages could be upgraded within a given
> period of some minutes/hours.

Updates to already delivered patches are going through the maintenance
process: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Maintenance_update_process
There are two request stations: One submit to openSUSE:Maintenance:1
project. As far as I know this request can be accepted by the package
maintainers (currently I'm the only one) and the maintenance team. The
maintenance policy (https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Maintenance_policy)
says that security bugs generally qualify for an update, so this request
will get accepted very fast. When the request is accepted the review team
will look over the update and accept it for delivering.
I don't have any experience how fast an update will go through this
process, but I think it won't take that long.

On Sep 18, 2012; 1:56pm Oliver wrote:

> This sounds like the deployment part that affects
> upgrading and migration to newer versions.
> There's a TYPO3 Console project (currently on hold) that
> allows to perform several basic actions on
> the command line.

That sounds nice. It's exactly the thing I will do with my Instance
Management Utility. So perhaps it would be better I package this console
project instead of writing my own utility. I will check this. What does "on
hold" exactly mean? Is there only no futher development or does it also
mean that there is no expert to this project available? If there would be a
team for this project, I'm interested in helping.

Best Regards,


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thomas Worm


Thomas Worm
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Allgemeiner Kontakt:
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Geschäftsführer: Thomas Worm
thomas.worm at thomas-worm.de

Inhaber: Thomas Worm H. u. D.
Kontonummer: 38 56 38
Bankleitzahl: 760 606 18
Kreditinstitut: Volksbank-Raiffeisenbank Nürnberg eG

Steuernummer: 240-290-21429
USt-ID: DE250745940
ISBN-Verlagsnummer: 3-86749


2012/9/18 Oliver Hader <oliver.hader at typo3.org>

> --

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