[TYPO3-dev] localization tt_content and an one to many related table

Uwe Trotzek trotzek at citeq.de
Mon Nov 26 10:57:08 CET 2012


I hope somebody can help me with the following problem:

I have a one the many relation between tt_content and and own table called

tt_contents TCA gets the following addional configuration:

	'tx_cqlinklistnews_linklist' => array (
		'exclude' => 0,
		'label' => 'Linkliste',
		'config' => array (
			'type' => 'inline',
			'foreign_table' => 'tx_cqlinklistnews_domain_model_linklist',
			'foreign_field' => 'tt_content_uid',
			'size' => 1,
			'minitems' => 0,
			'maxitems' => 1,
			'appearance' => Array(
				'collapseAll' => 0,
				'expandAll' => 1,
				'expandSingle' => 1,

the table tx_cqlinklistnews_domain_model_linklist gets the following

		'tt_content_uid' => array(
			'exclude' => 0,
			'config' => array(
				'type' => 'passthrough',

This works very fine until localization comes into play. If I use the
localization button in the page module the tt_content is copied to the right
language but the table "tx_cqlinklistnews_domain_model_linklist" doesn't. I
tried to use the hook processCmdmap_postProcess to forward the localization
to my own table but it blowed my mind until workspaces comes into play. 

Any suggestions?


I'm using Vesion: 4.5.22


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