[TYPO3-dev] ext_conf_template.txt for IRRE

Robert Wildling robertwildling at gmail.com
Thu May 10 17:44:57 CEST 2012


I'd like to define a sysfolder for certain inputs via ExtManager, so i 
put this line in ext_conf_template.txt:

# cat=basic/enable/10; type=integer; label=Select Keywords Folder: 
Define the PID of the SysFolder where the keywords are stored.
keywordsFolder = 0

Now I would like to use that value in the ext_tables.php in conjunction 
with a multi-select field, where new values could be stored via IRRE. 
(The goal is to store those values eventually in one place only and not 
over various pages.)

So I replace the ###CURRENT_PID### marker with the line that is read 
from the localconf.php:

$tempColumns = array (
	'tx_rwkeywords_id' => array (
		'label' => 'Keywords',
		'config' => array ('wizards' => array(
				'add' => array(
						'pid'      => '"' . 
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extConf']['rwkeywords'] . '"',
				'list' => array(
					'params' => array(
						'pid'   => '"' . $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extConf']['rwkeywords'] 
. '"',
				'edit' => array(

Unfortunately this doesn't work.
Is it at all possible to use values from ext_conf_template.txt for 
dynamic IRRE-configurations in certain TCA-fields?

(I know about ###STORAGE_PID### and the other setting, but i would like 
not to depend on a storage folder...)


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