[TYPO3-dev] TYPO3 6.0.0-alpha1 doesn't render plugins (CType: list)

Christian Kuhn lolli at schwarzbu.ch
Mon Jun 11 23:59:35 CEST 2012


On 05/28/2012 07:22 PM, Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer wrote:
> 1.) Call FE: Plugins are not rendered.
> 2.) Call "Log" in the Backend to see errors etc.
> 3.) Call FE: Plugins _ARE_ rendered.
> 4.) Clear all cached in BE.
> 5.) -> 1.)
> After I access/call the "log" in the backend,
> the frontend seems to be okay again, but as soon
> as I clear the caches in the backend, the plugins
> in the frontend won't be rendered again.

Ok. I've seen a similar behaviour on another system, but I have no 
access to it anymore and am unable to reproduce locally.

I fear this is somehow related to our recent bootstrap restructuring, 
but I have no idea what exactly could cause it.

Could you help us to track this down? First, it would be great if you 
could verify that your issue is still reproducible in current master. If 
it vanished, we do not have to take any action. Otherwise, it would be 
really cool if you could 'git bisect' the issue down to a specific 
change, this will give a good hint what is possibly wrong if which other 
actions need to be taken.

BTW: git bisect is fun, try it :)


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