[TYPO3-dev] Help with extension development - multiple languages

Morten Hagh morten at hagh.dk
Wed Nov 10 10:24:31 CET 2010

Hi list,


I have some problems with an extension I am working on. It’s my first time
in the extension development world, so please bear with me, if my questions
is ridiculous. J
It’s an extension for bricks with technical data as well as descriptions,
titles, prices, reference pictures etc. etc.

I have two tables one for technical data (tx_rtmur_bricks_data) and one for
the description and titles and so forth (tx_rtmur_bricks). I am doing it
this way because it is possible that a brick (lets call it 201) is produced
on more than one brickwork with different data. So you start with creating
the brick with title, descripton, etc. and then  a data record with a field
to select which brick (with brick ID) the data belongs to, for each

This works almost as intended, but my problems occur with multiple

If I choose a brick in SINGLE VIEW on the default language it is shown in
the default language, but if I click on e.g. swedish in my language menu,
the brick is still shown in the default language.

I am creating a brick record with title, description etc., in my default
language which is danish and the translations in for other languages.
Because the data table is language independent, I just cant seem to get it
done correctly because it is related to the brick with a brick id.

The 201 bricks are created in danish and gets uid =1 and then I create a
data record, which is given the id 1 in the brick column, because it relates
to the brick that has uid=1. 
If I now create a translation in swedish of 201 it gets uid=2, but now I
can’t get the data because it relates to uid= 1. The 110n_parent column in
the swedish translation has id=1.


Here’s a summary:
The data table shall not have any translation as the data is language
independent and the same data record(s) should be used on brick 201 whether
it is a danish, swedish or english translation.

My code for SINGLE VIEW:

function dpSingle() {
selectConf = array();

$selectConf['selectFields'] = '*';

$selectConf['selectTable'] = 'tx_rtmur_bricks';

$selectConf['where'] = 'uid=1';


$rows =
$selectConf['selectTable'], 'pid='. intval($this->conf['storagePid']) .' AND
'. $selectConf['where'] . $this->cObj->enableFields('tx_rtmur_bricks'));


if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_content) {

$rows = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordOverlay('tx_rtmur_bricks',
$rows, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_content,



if(count($rows) == 0) { 

$template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode,

$content = $this->cObj->substituteMarker($template,
'###TXT_NO_SINGLE_PRODUCT###', $this->pi_getLL('no_single_product'));

} else { 

$markers = array();

foreach($rows[0] as $sI => $sIvalue) { 

$markers['###SINGLE_'.strtoupper($sI).'###'] =
$this->conf['singleView.'][$sI . '_stdWrap.']);



$data = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('brickwork, brick',
'tx_rtmur_bricks_data', 'brick=1' .

$bw = array("gt" => "Gandrup Teglværk", "vt" => "Vindø Teglværk");

If someone can help me with the correct approach on this problem, I will be
very grateful. 


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