[TYPO3-dev] Apache/PHP TYPO3 Caching-Module

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at think-open.at
Tue Mar 9 23:37:37 CET 2010

Bartosz Aninowski wrote:

> Almost exactly how our extension works
> http://techblog.evo.pl/en/evo_nginx_boost-extension/

Hello !

Yes. I didn't take a look at the code but I'll assume you know the 
extension. But in this case still the PHP Interpreter has to get fired 
up, calling the index.php script, which takes quite a lot of precious 
time, instead of simply sending a static file.

How many pages / second to you get:

*1* with the memcached variant?
*2* with the proxied variant?

And does the proxied variant still ned the index.php being called, or 
will the proxy handle the complete request?

Does it take usergroups / conditions / expire times of pages into account?

Does it work properly with extensions like realURL?

thanks for the link anyways,

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