[TYPO3-dev] Userfunc in flexform with TYPO3 4.3

Chris Müller mueller at cyperfection.de
Sat Jan 2 20:10:54 CET 2010


I just asked the following question in the group "projects.dam" but 
didn't got a reply. Perhaps someone can help me or give me a hint into 
the right direction.

I am developing an extension which depends on the dam categories. The 
backend user can select one or more categories in the dam category tree 

For this I am using the following code in flexform which I have from the 
TCA in EXT:dam/tca_media_field.php. There it uses an userfunc to render 
the category tree view and consider all the necessary permissions:

<config type="array">

   <treeViewBrowseable type="integer">1</treeViewBrowseable>

   <size type="integer">6</size>
   <autoSizeMax type="integer">10</autoSizeMax>
   <minitems type="integer">0</minitems>
   <maxitems type="integer">10</maxitems>

With TYPO3 4.2 this works perfect. The backend user sees only the 
categories she should see in the category tree. With TYPO3 4.3 only the 
label in flexform is shown, no tree view. So it is not possible anymore 
to select dam categories.

I checked this with TYPO3 4.3.0, dam 1.1.3, dam_catedit 1.1.0 and also 
with the svn versions three days ago (TYPO3 4.3-dev, dam_catedit-1.1-dev).

Was there a change in 4.3 or can someone confirm this? What have I to do 
that I can use the dam category tree view?


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