[TYPO3-dev] TYPO3 heresy: what about "selling" pro extensions?

Sebastian Gebhard sebastiangebhard at hoch2.de
Tue Apr 13 09:21:30 CEST 2010

Am 12.04.10 10:21, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
> For example, I am not motivated to create RealURL v2, which is faster, cleaner, less buggy, comes with a good GUI, etc.
One company will probably not effort to pay you for this and the 
Association seems also not to be able to do this.
But we could apply the concept of sponsored projects to Class A 
Extensions like realurl.
I'm pretty sure that there are some companies which would give some 
money e.g. for RealURL v2 and together they could effort the amount you 

Just an idea.

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