[TYPO3-dev] Logout time on FE

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Thu Mar 12 17:45:55 CET 2009

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   Dan Osipov
Datum:       12.03.2009 14:37:
> I'm trying to increase the time the user is logged in to the FE.
> I've set $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['lifetime'] = '604800'; so the user 
> "should" be logged in for a week. This doesn't seem to happen - usually 
> they're logged out next day.
> There is a variable $auth_timeout_field in tslib_feuserauth that is set 
> to 6000, and doesn't seem to be overridden anywhere. Is that the real 
> session lifetime, and is my setting ignored?
> What am I missing?

$auth_timeout_field gets overrriden in tslib_feuserauth::start if 
lifetime is > 0 which override the garbage collection usually set to one day

so the chain is:

To check why it doesn't work:
1) is [FE][lockIP] = 0 otherwise it might create problems, when IP changes
2) What is the default setting in the browser? Does it accept only 
session cookies or does it handle any cookies as session cookie?

Hopes that helps

Fiat lux! Docendo discimus.
uon GbR


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