[TYPO3-dev] DB Performance Problems (fe_sessions table)

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Wed Mar 4 22:46:48 CET 2009

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   Susanne Moog
Datum:       04.03.2009 21:42:
> Hi Dmitry,
> Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
>> Hi!
>> Susanne Moog wrote:
>>> MySQL log shows thousands of the following queries:
>>> DELETE FROM fe_sessions    WHERE    ses_id =
>>> '9dd6ed3c54bdf13ea23cb82a7c095831'    AND ses_name = 'fe_typo_user'
>> This table should be InnoDB. If it is MyISAM, you will have performance problems.
> Hmm, it is already InnoDB. Seems these queries are not the problem then.
> I have to look further. Can you (or someone) tell me how to tell for
> sure if a plugins output is cached? (Most of our plugins are USER but
> where can I take a look if they really are cached?)

1) Check the admpanel: there you have options to get comments on almost 
everything where the content comes from and how long it takes to render 
and if a page is cached.

2) Problems might be some extensions requiring chashes. If there is no 
chash, nothing is cached. If such a extension is on every side nothing 
goes to the cache

3) Check the cache table to see if there is something in there.

4) Enable Mysql log for slow queries to see if there are problems. 
Perhaps it might help to add some specific keys to increase performace. 
You'll see.


Fiat lux! Docendo discimus.
uon GbR


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