[TYPO3-dev] Solving existing session problems - sole technical approach

Francois Suter fsuter at cobweb.ch
Mon Feb 9 19:00:52 CET 2009


> should be easy
> // if document.domain is numeric, otherwise strip off the server name 
> and use the remainder
>     this.defaultDomain = 
> (defaultDomain)?defaultDomain:(document.domain.search(/[a-zA-Z]/) == 
> -1)?document.domain:document.domain.substring(document.domain.indexOf('.') 
> + 1,document.domain.length);
> remove the substring and use complete domain

I'm looking into this but I don't have the same code at all. I remember 
noticing once that the efafontsize script had changed, maybe the version 
I integrated into my extension was an older. Looking into the code it 
sure doesn't look very clean, with more than an few variable being 
initialized but not used. Weirdly enough it reads and writes *all* 
cookies, rather than just the "fontSize" cookie, no idea why...

Furthermore I notice that the script actually doesn't work on some 
sites, while it works fine on others :-(

Anyway to bring the discussion back to the original topic, I just 
updated a web site that uses my efafontsize extension to TYPO3 4.2.5 and 
had no session problem at all even though the cookie's domain was indeed 
set as "domain.com" and not "www.domain.com".



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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