[TYPO3-dev] Performance improvement: caching of MENUDATA

Ralf Hettinger ng at ralfhettinger.de
Sun Dec 20 13:56:40 CET 2009

Hi folks.

I'm just performance tuning a site which uses extensive HMENUs (expAll=1
down some levels on a large tree) and it turns out that menu generation
takes quite a lot time (just to clarify: this of course affects only
sites not coming from page cache. After being cached once, all is good).

After having a closer look at
typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_menu.php and taking times here and
there it turned out, that too much time is spent by storing single menu
items into cache table (MENUDATA entries).

So I just turned off this storage into cache - and voila: this works
just like a charm here, each item gets a speedup of factor ~10 (!)

I just wondered if you had similar experiences or what possible side
effects I'm overseeing: it's my impression that MENUDATA caching may be
obsolete with more current PHP/TYPO3 versions, since the process of
accessing database for reading (or even worse: storing) MENUDATA into
cache takes longer than just generating the menu. At least I would think
that this item caching should be made configurable, an example follows.

For easy reproduction and testing I'm attaching a patch, that

allows you to turn of caching MENUDATA by using new TS parameter
skipItemCache, e.g.
1.skipItemCache = 1

will show you the times for menu item generation in Admin Panel (look
for 'page.makeMenu for id')

Looking forward for you replies.

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