[TYPO3-dev] tree size

Philipp Metzler phil at goli.at
Mon Sep 15 23:21:49 CEST 2008


I've got a few questions regarding the performance of Typo3 when using  
large tree sizes.

Is there a limit regarding the tree size?
Do you have experiences with large trees?
How do the different browsers handle very large tree sizes?
What would you consider a limit regarding performance (especially for  
the browser in the backend)?
As the tree is built using JavaScript I guess there are some  
limitations there for the different browsers?

We are using the extensions toi_category and category_pages to  
categorize and display pages. We are considering using it for managing  
the publications of a large company. We miss the feature to categorize  
content elements (FCEs). That would be perfect for many uses.


Best regards,



DI Philipp Metzler
Goli.at GesbR.
Dorf Rieden 7/11
A-6900 Bregenz
EU - Austria

E-Mail: phil at goli.at
Skype: googol
Tel: +43 / 676 / 72 94 176
ICQ: 13950954

∙ www.philippmetzler.com - Softwareentwicklung und Websites mit Typo3.
∙ www.goli.at - Ihr Speicherplatz im Netz. Messen Sie uns an unseren  
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