[TYPO3-dev] Is there still a cleaner Backend-Project for 4.3?

Christopher Christopher at temporaryforwarding.com
Thu Oct 30 19:17:41 CET 2008

Hi guys,

there was a cleaner backend-project to improve the usability of the BE of version 4.2.
This project made the backend way more comfortable then it was before I think.
Afaik the team wanted to continue working for 4.3.
Are there still efforts to go on in this direction?

I am asking now, because I saw that you are at the moment compiling a list of tasks for TYPO3 4.3 in the bugtracker. 
There I asked myself, if the following could be part of this version...

I am expecially thinking of:
* checkbox "Secondary options" when editing content cannot be hidden
* "Show clipboard" in filelist cannot be hidden
* Same for "Show thumbnails"
* Possibility to hide items in the toolbar at the top (shortcuts, search)
* With shortcuts: Icon "Create shortcut" always visible
* Possibility to hide "Mount as tree root" in context-menu
* Translation of hardcoded labels

and something else:
* new pictures for the manual?!

I would really like to see these improvements!
What do you think?


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