[TYPO3-dev] new EXT:categorize to categorize everything

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Sun Oct 26 19:19:23 CET 2008

Hi Dmitry,

>> Typo3 is lacking of high quality generic, flexible and extendable
>> extensions almost any other CMS (or alike) has. ECT was founded to take
>> care of that. But what is the ECT good for if nobody cares - not even
>> core devs? I can only hope that there will be taken care of for v5.
> Can you tell what popular extensions did ECT release? I mean
> extensions that many people use (something rgsmoothgallery-like).

how about "calendar base" - it's ECT driven, that's f.e. why I 
participate in it, add new features, fix some bugs and spend hours a 
week providing support in the cal newsgroup. Other projects like lib/div 
(which dev's seemed to ignore) are listed in the wiki [1]. Unfortunately 
it became quite silent in the ECT ng lately - but that's not the point. 
The concept of the ECT is good and in my eyes a necessary part for the 
T3 project. It only lacks of support from the association and other T3 
teams - it's currently merely treated like a evil step mother by 
everyone and I seem to be the lonely cowboy getting tired by fighting 
for it over and over again.

> The reason behind this question is simple: if ECT really does work
> and releases useful and popular things, than it is underestimated.
> If there are no such extensions, why core devs should care about ECT?

how can the ECT work when no active DEVs are joining it and coordinating 
their extensions? As much as I understand the ECT it's not primary a 
actively developing team - but a team coordinating development, so that 
devs know "hey, there is already a extension in progress for the purpose 
I need, so I don't need to start from scratch and can join forces". But 
if nobody is talking to them about their planned extensions, the ECT 
can't support them. Of course the "leaders" are also devs, but their 
main task is coordination. So all devs should join the ECT newsgroup, 
write about their planned extension, probably find some other interested 
party and discuss the concept and aim of the extension with them to get 
a most usable result.

> I have fully practical approach. In my opinion only one type of
> developers is valuable: those who really create useful stuff (like
> Georg Ringer or Steffen Kamper). Notice I talk here only about
> developers, not about anyone else. There are other people who do
> good stuff too (writers, trainers, etc). But we talk about
> developers when we talk about ECT.

Yes, they are valuable devs and quite active in the T3 community - but 
why are they ignoring the ECT as an official team? It doesn't hurt 
dropping a note in the newsgroup and say "hey, I'm going to write a 
flexible commenting extension, anybody else in need of this or having 
some good ideas for necessary features I forgot?".

As I wrote above - I'm getting tired on fighting for better extensions 
and a much cleaner TER. I better drink a BEER3 and put my focus on v5 to 
get freely extendable packages by default ;)

[1] http://wiki.typo3.org/ECT
kind regards,
Franz Koch

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