[TYPO3-dev] @french TYPO3-users: changes of Francois

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Mon Nov 17 12:24:06 CET 2008

Hello french TYPO3-users,

please put these changes into the proper positions of the text. I cannot
do it, because I don't speak french.



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Francois Suter schrieb:
> Hi Daniel,
>> I think you know the typo3_tut in english. It's now translated by rwn
>> (wiki-username) to french, and needs a review now.
> I finally took the time to review the document.
>> This is the task:
>> * check if there are translation-errors
>> * Not needed corrections for first version: grammar, typos
>> * give feedback in forge-issue http://forge.typo3.org/issues/show/2107
> Unfortunately since login is locked, I can't report to forge (nor do the
> changes in the wiki). I'll give my feedback here.
> 1) In the chapter "Présentation", the area #4 is said to be the
> "docheader". This is wrong (and is probably wrong in the English version
> too). I'm not sure how it's called actually, but it is not the
> docheader. The docheader appears at the top of area #3 and contains
> things like 3rd level navigation, shortcut icon, etc.
> 2) In the chapter "Arborescence des pages", point 6 in the numbered
> list, the word "tendez" should be "tentez" instead. In point 7,
> "repertoire" should be "répertoire".
> 3) In the chapter "Travailler avec du contenu", in the ordered list
> after "Figure 6", point 3 should end after "icônes" (strip the trailing
> ", ou"). Point 6 is wrong because it says the 3rd content element is
> hidden. This is not the case in the screenshot.
> After "Figure 7", at the beginning of the second sentence, it should
> read "La seconde option est visible uniquement" instead of "La seconde
> option n'est visible uniquement".
> 4) In the chapter "Editer du contenu", the word "text" should be spelled
> "texte" in the first paragraph. In the first paragraph after "Figure 8",
> content element types "texte" and "texte avec image" are written in
> italics, where they are in bold in the rest of the document. At the end
> of the sentenced starting with "La sixième [6] icône" someone tried
> using the <u> tag which not supported and not recommended. Some other
> style of emphasis should be used.
> 5) In the chapter "Travailler avec des images", again content element
> tpyes "texte avec image" and "images seules" are in italics instead of
> bold.
> 6) In the chapter "Travailler avec des pages", 2nd paragraph before the
> end, there's a typo. "déplaceer" should read "déplacer". In the last
> paragraph, the second sentence begins with "Par inaccessible je
> n'entends pas une page d'erreur", which represents a change of style by
> being in the first person instead of being in the passive form. It would
> be better if it read "Par inaccessible, il ne faut pas entendre une page
> d'erreur".
> 7) In the chapter "Langues multiples / Site multilingue", there's a
> carriage return missing after the "Figure 20" caption.
> That's it :-)
> I don't who's responsible for the translation. I can also make the
> changes myself, but I don't want to mess up anything. Anyway I will wait
> until the login is possible again.
> Cheers

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