[TYPO3-dev] Revamped FORM cObj, take 2

Christopher Torgalson bedlamhotel at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 16:31:51 CET 2008

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Dmitry Dulepov [typo3]
<dmitry at typo3.org> wrote:
> Hi!
>  Christopher Torgalson wrote:
>  > In 5.0? This is already built? Besides because that's how it *is* does
>  > NOT mean that new development should repeat past errors.
>  In 3.x and 4.x. Javascript is mandatory for BE.

Nobody has argued with this. The specific issues I was trying to raise
were the following:

1. Just because JS is mandatory in the BE does not mean it should be
mandatory for *every operation* in the BE. The decision to use JS
should be technically justified. Generating forms fails such a
justification IMO (see #2).

2. Forms as such--I'm not talking about wizards etc--can be generated
*every bit* as effectively with server-side logic. JS is an indulgence
in such cases.

3. TYPO3 5 is a great opportunity to think about using JS to make the
BE *better* as opposed to making it *work*. Javascript is a fantastic
tool, but outside of circumstances where there are clearly almost no
real alternatives--RTEs for instance--it should categorically *not* be
necessary to run a web app (though the enhancements it enables are
often very, very useful). I was and am concerned that the JS we put
into the BE now will be used as the model for the 5.0 BE, but if not,
this point is dispensable :-)

Christopher Torgalson

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