[TYPO3-dev] IRRE - processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations

Brian Bendtsen bb at bellevuevej.dk
Thu Jun 26 10:33:23 CEST 2008


This one is hard to explain, but here goes...

I need to update a table when I create another, therefore I use the 
processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations hook.

Lets say Im making a hotel application and have 3 tables:

Room(uid, size, facilities, section ...)
Bed(uid, room, size ...) - room is foreign key
Stats(uid, section, numberOfBeds ...)

I have an IRRE between Room and Bed, so its possible to create/delete 
beds from editing a room.

When I add a bed to a room I want to update the stats table, which holds 
the number of beds in different sections of a hotel.

If I create a bed item the traditional way, where I choose a 
room(foreign key), size and so on everthing runs as it should, but if I 
create the bed from within the room, thereby setting the room 
automatically it fails.

The first thing I do in my function is fetching the room like this:

$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('Bed.room, Bed.size', 
'Bed','Bed.uid ='.$id);

Apparently, when using IRRE the Bed.room returns a 0 but Bed.size 
returns the correct value.

When not using IRRE to create a Bed, Bed.room is returning the correct 

I cant quite grasp what the problem is.

Any hints?


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