[TYPO3-dev] Extensions and JS-frameworks

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Jul 17 10:43:18 CEST 2008

Thorsten Kahler [dkd] wrote: on 17.07.2008 09:30:
> Hi,
> Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] schrieb:
>> Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
>>> Can't the "frameworks" be provided as extensions and then we could 
>>> use the regular "depends" conditions in the ext_emconf.php?
>> A little problem with it is versioning of the frameworks. Some exts 
>> may depend on the specific version of the framework or require newer 
>> framework than exists in ext. I bumped into this with extjs: I want to 
>> use the extjs ext in my private extension but extjs ext did not have 
>> proper version in it.
> the "depends" logic also supports pointing to specific version ranges. 
> I'm not sure whether the extension manager does support that as well, 
> but that would be a different problem and not hard to manage.
> So I support Ernestos suggestion:
> - provide JS libraries solely as extensions in TER
> - use the version of the library as extension version
> - let these extensions provide two simple API calls to include the JS 
> lib in all (via ext_localconf.php) or distinct (module / plugin) BE or 
> FE pages.
> - don't deliver JS libs with extensions, but use the "depends" mechanism 
> to have them at hand

That would be cool. The only "problem" I see there is that the we then 
depend on those ext-authors to update their JS-extensions. If they are 
gone MIA, we have a problem. :)

So maybe we need to get those extensions in a broader community's hand, 
in SVN and with at least 2-3 developers to update it from time to time.


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