[TYPO3-dev] New flexform featur

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Sun Jul 13 19:29:59 CEST 2008

Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> The only difference would be that you have to enable this field by
>> userTS.
> I see the problem because normally TCA is asked for that. In case of
> flexforms that is a problem, as they are only definded with the XML,
> which is enough while rendering, but difficult for other modules to
> extract the information. May be a "virual" TCA could be added to let
> TYPO3 know about fields in flexform

I don't understand you. TCEforms parses the ff definition and data to
display the form. Now the only thing missing is a pageTS syntax that
let's you enable/disable/rename/etc the field like a normal field.

The normal way is:


Maybe it can be:



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