[TYPO3-dev] Workspaces, languages, where, enableFields...

Jonas Dübi admin at commandline.ch
Fri Jul 4 13:44:06 CEST 2008

Hi Steffen

Steffen Kamper schrieb:
> I see the need. May be pibase should be enhanced to give support 
> function for language overlay and workspace handling?
> Something like
> $row = $this->pi_getOverlayRecord($row);
> $row = $this->pi_getVersionPreviewRecord($row, $table);
> (just simplified)

Something like that would be great. But I think it should not be on a 
record base, it should be on a select base.


$joinTables = array(
	'left' => 'categries',
	'left' => 'owner',

$where = "owner.name LIKE '%jimmy%'";

$records = $this->pi_getRecords($table, $where, $order, $limit, 

-> The relation between the joined tables should be done by TCA.

-> no $fields, because that would be a problem for overlay! So if you 
have a related category which you want to get the title of, you will 
have to select them separately

Wouldn't that be cool, that would help a lot of developers.

Best regards,

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