[TYPO3-dev] Improvements to standard Table Element

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Jan 14 21:03:39 CET 2008

Martin Kutschker wrote: on 14.01.2008 15:19:

>>> Is it possible in a DTD to allow an element only as the first child 
>>> element (<TR><TH>...) or after another element (...</TH><TH>...)? 
>>> With it you could force a row header to the left. But that breaks for 
>>> Arabic and other languages written right-to-left.
>>> Masi
>> may be it's possible with a DTD. But normally this is used to define 
>> new rules for new types.
>> As there is no rule that constrains th to thead, there is no need for it.
> I tried to explain why any constrainst to TH make no sense. Seems I have 
> failed.
> Masi
> PS: The argument reformulated:
> If TH were constrained to THEAD, you could have no row headers. If it 
> were constrained to the beginning of a TR, you have troubles with 
> languages that  are written from right-to-left.

Good point. I think there are no constraints regarding that in the DTD 
(and I guess this is not even possible to constraint in DTDs...). In 
XHTML 1.1 module "table" DTD [1] the TD and TH are treated in an equal 
manner (<!ENTITY % tr.content  "( %th.qname; | %td.qname; )+" >).

We should not contraint their use also, but maybe make some meaningful 
"Layout's" (e.g. "first row header", "first row + first column headers", 
etc) to make displaying of CSV-data more easy to achieve.



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