[TYPO3-dev] RFC: #7377: pmkisac - function declared in ext_localconf.php leads to fatal error

Andreas Stauder stauder at stauder.ch
Wed Apr 23 15:09:37 CEST 2008

Hi all,

in the now published v4.2 the "update wizard" in the install-tool is 
broken. This is the first thing you will try if upgrading from earlier 


Function declared in ext_localconf.php leads to fatal error in some 
modules (ie. in the install tool). That is because ext_localconf.php is 
loaded additinaly from the cache, which means that the function 
user_pmkisac is declared twice.

The clean solution would be to extract the function in a class and 
include this class by typoscript includeLibs.

The easy solution which we use for the moment is to check if the 
function is already declared (see additional information).


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