[TYPO3-dev] List element with re-using content-elements (ICE or special content elements)

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Thu Sep 27 13:11:23 CEST 2007

> Thanks for your feedback. Using a page record as container for other
> records would be a possibility. But this doesn't solve the "create in
> one step" requirement. Furthermore it doesn't concern the combination
> of content elements (e.g. text with table in a new individual CE).
>> i hope you know about these features of the "sitemap" element and
>> you have a reason to make this extension.
> Yes I know about this standard CE. Since the rendering is done using
> AJAX and there are many FAQ records using a categorization over more
> than one level, it won't work in this special case.

I guess the easiest way would be to create an 1:n IRRE relation between the
FAQ table and tt_content.
Then just install the ICE pack extensions and fill in one ICE box as the
child of the FAQ.
Inside the ICE box you can create all the necessary content elements (ICE or
default doesn't matter, so tables are possible even though ICE itself
doesn't offer tables yet).
Finally add an HTML template and/or assign an ICE flavor to the ICE box to
insert the CSS positioning for the elements.
Each flavored element will get a surrounding box with position:relative, so
even absolute positioning should be possible besides the usual floats and
you will get the option for some nicely shaped corners as well.



Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
(If you have no clues: simply shut your gob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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