[TYPO3-dev] Feature-Request: enhanced caching features for 4.2

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Fri Sep 7 23:26:41 CEST 2007

Hi list, Hi Dimitry,

as you (Dimitry Dulepov) mentioned that you might have a look at the 
caching issues that where discussed in the topic "WARNING!?? 
tslib_patcher, pp_chashchecker" - is it possible to get these 
enhancements for 4.2 (now that the alpha is already released)? Has the 
core-team some time left to investigate in that?

I consider this as a major issue for TYPO3 to get some intelligent and 
especially easy to understand cache handling.
As many of the developers don't know how extensions have to be 
configured correctly and wrongly use $GLOBALS['TSFE']->set_no_cache() 
for mixed cached/non-cached extensions, and due to the fact that there 
are various issues with cHashes when using the same extension namespace 
once as USER_INT and once as USER there are some serious improvements 

For further information have a look at the mentioned topic here in this 
list or feel free to discuss here.

Would be nice if somebody could bring up this topic also in the 
core-list or drop a note to have a look at this topic in the dev-list.

I don't have much knowledge of the internal cache handling - I just 
followed the mentioned topic here in this list and some discussions in 
ECT-list (where cache-handling for lib/div was discussed) and think that 
the community needs some improvements here.

Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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